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Casual Outfit

Life & Style Plus Travel

Alarm Clock
Upset Stomach
Woman with Digital Tablet

Do you have fibromyalgia, diabetes or something else? You are not alone.

Did the time change and you find yourself depressed or possibly even more depressed than usual? Then you might have seasonal depression.

Do women really need shape wear or is it just a way for the rich to get richer at the expense of their fellow sisters. Should shape wear be available at an affordable price for everyone? What about body positivity, does the movement acknowledge the benefits of shape wear or ignore it because shape wear goes against being body positive?

Image by Victoria Alexandrova
New Year Celebrations

How society perceives gray hair is documented in stories across our globe. It does not matter the age when you go gray (yes some people are young when this happens) at the moment you let your hair go natural you are considered old and not worth wasting time on.

Peach fuzz on the cheeks and dark hair on the upper lip, it is the most obvious and most hidden secret women keep.

Safety tips for you while out celebrating the arrival of 2022.

Dollar Bill in Jar

Learning to shop by the marketing and sales calendar of businesses will help you save money.

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