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New Year's Eve and Any Time Out Safety Tips

Safety for Women

New Year's eve is suppose to be a time of fun out celebrating the arrival of a new year with family and friends. 


Unfortunately, some people use the excitement and fun as an opportunity to hurt others. It is important as women we are always aware and self aware. The number one crime seems to be strangers putting drugs in unsuspecting women's drinks. There is always a story in the news where a woman has left her drink unsupervised and ended up violently sick, in the er or much worse. Here are some tips to keep your drink in your sight at all times. It is very important to always keep your drink in your vision, better yet, in your hand. If you have to go to the bathroom: you can take your drink with you, ask a friend to watch it or get a fresh drink when you are done. One word of caution, if you ask a friend or family member to watch your drink, make sure they are actually going to watch it. Honestly, to be 100% safe you should either take your drink with you or just get a new drink when done. If you are dancing or talking in a crowd, keep your drink in front of you and held up high not down at your waist. This will provide less opportunity for a creep to put something in your drink. 


Something else you can do to stay safer during your New Year's Eve celebrations is to drink less - always keep your senses. Know what is going on around you, be aware of the people and activities, do not need help walking or getting home. When you get in a state where you are needing help, your defenses are down and this gives creeps an opening to "help" and end up possibly hurting. 


Another tip is to dress festive, provocative but don't make yourself the center of attention. These see thru "dresses" that the stars are wearing to awards shows are absolutely ridiculous. They can wear them because they have security but the average woman does not have security so it is really dumb to wear them.


When you go with friends to someone's house for a party but you do not know the person, make sure other people know where you are going and give them the name of the person hosting as well as the address. When in someone else's home do not let your guard down with your drink. When you go to the bathroom, make sure you go in 2's. That way if you are wondering around looking for the bathroom you don't get pulled into a bedroom and assaulted. Again keep your wits about you.


The last tip for New Year's Eve and any other time out is to never go with a stranger somewhere alone. Do not go get a bite to eat or even share a ride. If you meet someone and you really want to go get a bite to eat, have at least 2-3 friends go with you. The reason for 2-3 is that having just you and one other friend go, could still lead to an assault or worse yet a kidnapping. When you have more people with you, you are definitely safer.


The best thing you can do for yourself, be aware!

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