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The Hairy Little Secret All Females Hide

Dark hair on the upper lip and peach fuzz on the cheeks, it is something a lot of women deal with. The hairy face is caused by many factors: genetics, age, diet, health/medications, lifestyle and stress levels.


Most women deal with hair on their face at some point in life. If hairy upper lips or fuzzy cheeks runs in the family, the hair could appear as early as the teen years. Sometimes though, it will hold off until menopause and then again it can occur in a woman's twenties, thirties or forties. A woman's health and medications that she has to take can affect when and how bad hair appears. Another factor that affects facial hair growth on a woman is a woman's socioeconomic status.


There is not much you can do about genetics, menopause or medications except take care of your skin and if possible use services and products (read below about socioeconomic status influence below). But first we will talk about nutrition, stress, and lifestyle choices.


As a personal trainer and health coach I know the importance of reducing stress, eating or at least trying to eat healthy, and changing the way you live. Even though stress and the levels and how it affects someone is very personal there are ways to manage for everyone. First, start by getting a good nights sleep, go to bed early (before 11) and get up early (by 7). When you wake, breathe. Deep breathes in and slow breathes out. Eat a healthy breakfast, wash your face and brush your teeth (routine is a great relaxing activity that many don't know). Before you shower, go for a walk or do a morning yoga or exercise routine (or combo) and then sit quietly to cool down and journal. Afterwards, go about your day. At lunch stop and do deep cleansing breaths. Eat a healthy lunch (leftovers, something prepared from home or salads) try not to eat fast foods. After arriving home, deep cleansing breaths and eat a healthy dinner. After dinner go for a nice walk and some gentle stretching. Settle in for a nice evening. If you are tense or uptight, try doing some deep breaths, journaling and/or a gentle yoga routine. Then take a warm shower. Do not snack all night, redirect that energy into a puzzle, a book or a diy (like an easy small patio table ) Change what you eat from processed foods to more fresh and always add time to breath.


Now let's take a look at how a woman's socioeconomic status affects her facial hair because this is one factor that women and society can do something about.


We will look at 2 fictional women: Barb is a white woman with a husband that has a $250,000 a year white collar job and she has 3 kids who all go to private lessons, have the best clothes and try to live in toga. Barb is an established beauty influencer on Youtube and Instagram with over 300000 followers on both. As an influencer, Barb is sent the latest and greatest skincare products to test.  She receives items like face massagers, red light therapy, the best creams and washes. Barb also has access to the best foods, doctors care and she has spendable income to try any products or services she wishes to.


Fictional woman #2: Carol is a black woman with a husband that has a $40000 a year construction job. Carol is a grocery store clerk and works part time doing nails for family and friends. Carol and her family shop at discount grocery stores, they go to the free clinics as much as possible and all of her income goes to bills, food and kids. There is no spendable income to try new products or go for massages, etc..


Barb noticed tiny dark hairs on her upper lip one day and went to her esthetician who recommend facial treatments both in her spa and at home. She advised Barb to use a facial massager with a $500 cream as well as red light therapy. Barb went right home and found a collaboration for the facial products recommend and just waited for their arrival. She went about her business while she waited. Carol also noticed dark hair on her upper lip. Carol immediately started a candle and dripped the hot wax on her upper lip. The she ripped it off. When that did not get all of the hairs, Carol pulled the rest with tweezers and then put a cool ice pack on her upper lip for a few minutes. Everyday since Carol either pulls the hairs, shaves lightly with a $1.98 razor she bought or she just ignores them, Carols skin is rough with red undertones and flakey. She has decided it doesn't really matter, after all, her husbands eyes are bad anyway.  Back at Barbs her skin is looking amazing and she is taking close up selfies and telling her followers they can have amazing skin to just buy these really expensive products. 


Socioeconomic status does make a difference in how your skin looks. Some will never be able to afford, some will be able to afford the cheapest products, some the middle of the road products and some will purchase nothing but the most expensive. Next time you are in a crowd of women, before making a rude comment about hairy upper lips or fuzzy cheeks, think twice. Or scrolling through Instagram before you type out something so rude, remember not everyone has access or funds to the best products. 




Socioeconomic status does make a difference in how your skin looks. I am actively searching for affordable face and skincare products that work. I will create a products page BUT DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH - the products are just suggestions NOT ENDORSEMENTS. Check out the Lifestyle Products Page for self care. We included journal ideas and some other fun items as well. Again, these are just suggestions. YOU NEED TO DO YOUR RESEARCH.




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