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Living Life With A Chronic Illness

Living life with a chronic illness whether it is fibromyalgia, diabetes or a rare chronic illness like CRPS, is hard but you can survive. 


If you live with a chronic illness, don't be afraid to reach out for help dealing with it if you need it. If you need someone to talk to, ask your health care provider, find a group on social media and share. Ask questions, share your fears, your experiences. Living with chronic illness especially one that is severe chronic pain can make life in general hard. It can be hard to do simple tasks, everyday things like mopping, walking the dog or going to the grocery store. It is a scary and lonely thing, but if you ask for help, if you speak up about what you are going through, it can get better. I know, I have CRPS. I know what it is like when you are first diagnosed, when you are first learning to live with pain so bad it would kill a horse. I know what it is to have a weird rare disease and no one in your family or friend group knows what you are going through. Family and friends try to be there, try to support but no one understands really. That is why it is so important if you are diagnosed with a chronic illness to reach out and ask for someone to talk with, ask for professional help and find a group because being a group with people who are going through the same things as you is so very important.


Never be ashamed to ask for help, never be ashamed to cry, scream or just get angry. The key is not to stay angry, don't keep crying, get up and do what you do. If you are a stay at home mom, then start doing your tasks, just more slowly, and maybe change up the way you do it. If you work for someone, see if you can alter your schedule, balance your time between sitting and standing, if you get tired, go to bed earlier. It's all possible, just take it one day at a time.


Becoming female is for all women whether you are young, old, healthy, broken: you are all beautiful and no matter your age, you are still becoming female.

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