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Fall Decor Ideas For Minimalists

Minimalists hate clutter and less is more is definitely their mantra. 


A few simple swaps though can add that Fall feel to even the most minimalists of spaces. First, any florals and vases, switch out for an earthen ware vase and dry grasses on a hall table or mantle. Next that glass bowl on the coffee table swap a wooden bowl and add in different colors of wood beads.

The last two swaps are simple and add a pop of color as well. First, add in a burnt orange throw over the chair or couch. Lastly, add a couple of copper or orange mugs to the open kitchen shelves. 


That's it and you have a great fall decor vibe without all the layers of knick knacks and pumpkins and other items.


Being a minimalist doesn't mean you don't decorate, it just means selectivity and switching occurs.

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